The Bearings part number is 1316 and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1316 80x170x39 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball Bearings 13....
The Bearings part number is 1316-K and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1316 K (tapered) 80x170x39 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball...
The Bearings part number is 1316-K-TN and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1316 K (tapered) TN 80x170x39 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning...
The Bearings part number is 1316-TN and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1316 TN 80x170x39 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball Bearings...
The Bearings part number is 1317 and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1317 85x180x41 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball Bearings 13....
The Bearings part number is 1317-K and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1317 K (tapered) 85x180x41 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball...
The Bearings part number is 1317-K-TN and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1317 K (tapered) TN 85x180x41 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning...
The Bearings part number is 1317-TN and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1317 TN 85x180x41 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball Bearings...
The Bearings part number is 1318 and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1318 90x190x43 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball Bearings 13....
The Bearings part number is 1318-K and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1318 K (tapered) 90x190x43 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball...
The Bearings part number is 1319 and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1319 95x200x45 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball Bearings 13....
The Bearings part number is 1319-K and This bearing has the following Dimensions: 1319 K (tapered) 95x200x45 mm , The product type is Self-Aligning Ball...
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